Revelation 14:1-5 – Firstfruits in Christ

The complete number of God’s redeemed (represented by the number “144,000”) are heard singing a beautiful, thunderous new song before the throne of the Lamb. They are the blameless firstfruits purchased from mankind by the blood of Christ, and illustrated as a crowd of pure virgins constantly following Jesus wherever He goes. These firstfruits in …

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Revelation 13:11-18 – The Second Beast: Antichrist

The First Beast is the system of Satan at work to bring the whole earth into allegiance against Jesus. Now the identity is revealed for the Second Beast: Antichrist, a singular person acting as the face of Satan’s kingdom. Antichrist mimics Christ, defies Christ, and slanders Christ, and attempts to rob the glory of Christ. …

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Revelation 13:5-10 – Blasphemy, Blasphemy, Blasphemy

The entire world is entrenched within Satan’s kingdom, the system that is the first beast. The beast has blasphemous names and blasphemous speech towards God and His people, speaking lies regarding the Almighty. It’s utter blasphemy. The antichrist is subtly introduced, and he is allowed to make war on the saints and prevail over them…but …

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Revelation 12:7-17 – The Great Spiritual Warfare Timeline

The description of the clash between kingdoms – those of Jesus the Lamb of God and Satan the Red Dragon – continues. In prophetic language and symbolism, the Lord shows John the great spiritual warfare timeline, ultimately climaxing in the defeat of Satan and the care and salvation for the church. During the church age, …

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Revelation 12:1-6 – The Red Dragon in the Nativity Scene

It’s Revelation’s version of the Christmas story. As a timely sermon for Mother’s Day, Mary gives birth to King Jesus while Satan — the Red Dragon — is waiting to devour him. However, Jesus wins and returns to His heavenly throne. For the time remaining until His second return (“1260 days”), the people of God …

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Revelation 11:15-19 – Sequences of Seven

The seventh trumpet is blown, leading to another scene of worship before the throne followed by one more description of the Lord’s return. His second advents presents both the rescue of His people as well as His wrath upon His enemies. The whole depiction is yet another cyclical account within the sequences of seven, which …

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Revelation 10 – The Little Scroll

An angel comes down from heaven to deliver a little scroll, which John is commanded to eat. In his mouth it is sweet, just as the Gospel brings life. However, in his stomach it is bitter, as the Gospel also cuts both ways…those who reject Jesus are subject to judgement and eternal death.

Revelation 8:6-9:21 – The First Six Trumpets

As the seventh seal is broken, seven angels are given seven trumpets. During the first six trumpets the earths and heavens encounter another cycle of circumstances, trials and tribulations as each is blown. These deliver upon the earth judgement while also sifting believers from non-believers before Jesus’ ultimate return. Amidst the various tribulations, those against …

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