Let’s Get Started

DIG Bible Study Original Bible Study GroupIn 2004 I taught this simple Bible study tool to a small group of young adults in Seattle. We had studied halfway through the book of Acts, and one night I asked them, “Are you bored with me drilling this study method into you every week?”

Their answer shocked me.

“No, we’re not bored,” they exclaimed. “No one has ever taught us how to read the Bible before, and we love it!”

Their answer was encouraging yet surprising since every single one of them had grown up in church. These were educated, responsible adults. One was even a PK — a pastor’s kid!

And they didn’t know how to read the Bible.

Is that similar to your story? Did you grow up in church, surrounded by Christians, yet never taught how to read the Bible?

Or maybe you are new to Jesus. Are you having trouble getting started? Have you had difficulty finding a mentor to help you read the Bible?

My mission is to help you read the Bible and hear from God.No matter your story, my mission is to help you read the Bible and hear from God. I’d like to share a couple of things about DIG with you…

The Truths of the Matter

I’m going to be quite honest about two things:

    1. The DIG Bible Study Method is simple!
    2. To get results, you will need to be devoted!

I cannot count the number of times I have trained people in the DIG Bible Study and they experience Scripture in a fresh way. Using just three easy steps, they are emotionally overjoyed, excited about the ability to see the Lord clearly and to hear from Him on a deep level. DIG’s simplicity helps make Scripture clear.

It also requires an ongoing commitment to keep studying. We must be devoted to Jesus and His Word, each day listening to Him and growing in our faith. God gives us understanding, and His desire is for us to read and listen.
“The unfolding of your words gives light; It imparts understanding to the simple.”
–Psalm 119:130

Two Questions

I do have two questions for you: First, what is your biggest obstacle in reading the Bible right now?

You can contact me or leave a comment below. Even if it’s small, I’d love to hear about it.

Second, do you know someone else who could benefit from studying Scripture with you?

If you don’t want to begin this journey alone, consider asking someone else to DIG with you. Invite a spouse, a friend, a neighbor, a mentor…someone who will be devoted to read the Bible with you.

What’s Next?

Here are two things to help you get started:

  1. Go here to get a quick overview of DIG’s three steps.
  2. Get the free printable DIG worksheet to help guide you through the steps.

Thanks for reading. I’m praying for you, and I’m so glad you’re here!

— Pastor Jason

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