Live Online Training

Live Online Training

Coming Soon!

Live Bible Study in Microsoft Teams

I am currently testing the best setup for free DIG Bible study trainings to occur live online. More details are below.

In the meantime, let me know if you are interested in being contacted when open sessions begin!

I value your privacy. I will only use the information you submit for the purposes of being contacted regarding DIG resources.

What Sessions Include

Each session lasts about 1 hour and begins with a quick overview of the DIG Bible Study Method. This allows each guest — no matter their biblical experience — the opportunity to participate.

Using the DIG method, we study straight from a passage in the Bible. There is no need to buy any other book or guide…the Scripture does this for us! Guests are welcome to speak-up or simply listen in, whatever they are comfortable with.

The session closes with prayer and encouragement for continued meditation on the passage later.

Who May Come

Currently sessions will be available to anyone interested in studying Scripture together. The only session with limitations would be the Sexual Purity study series, which is men-only at this time. (Sorry ladies!)

There is no cost, and there are no prerequisites — folks of any Bible study experience level may come. In fact, even non-believing seekers are welcome to join in!

Devices and Apps

The plan is to use Microsoft Teams for our online sessions. Teams provides many advantages:

  • Free apps for desktop and mobile devices (Mac, Windows, iOS and Android)
  • Option to join through a browser (Chrome recommended, Safari not-so-much)
  • Guest inclusion (no paid Microsoft 365 account required)
  • Worldclass security and privacy

For the best experience, download your Teams app version-of-choice beforehand. I’ll provide a link to the session, which will bring you right into the app when it’s time.

It’s also recommended to join sessions with a headset (best) or headphones.

Additional Info

What Bible to use? 

I lead from the English Standard Version (ESV). Here’s an list of encouraged (and discouraged) translations:

  • English Standard Version (ESV)
  • New American Standard Bible (NASB)
  • New International Version (NIV)
  • King James Version (KJV)
  • New King James Version (NKJV)
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible (HSCB)
  • The Message (MSG)
  • The Living Bible (TLB)
  • King James Version – LDS Edition
  • New World Translation (NWT)

To mute or not to mute?
If your setup has background noise at all, it’s best to mute your microphone until you need to speak. While using technology to overcome the distance barrier is great,  the cumulative noise pollution from everyone’s mics can be a major distraction.

Other session etiquette?
These Bible study sessions are a safe place meant for edification, not debate. While there could be times of disagreement, any form of arguing, posturing, intimidation, degree-flaunting, soap box ranting, etc. may lead to your removal from the session and possibly from all future DIG gatherings.

Have Questions?

I hope you’re as excited as I am for these coming live study sessions online!  

If you have questions, you’re welcome to email me anytime.

– Jason

Pastor Jason Hudson - DIG Bible Study Method Headshot