DIG Bible Study Method Overview
Prayerfully follow these three easy steps…
Carefully read the passage paying attention to details, such as names, places, verbs, cultural elements…any words you see in the text.
Read the passage again at a normal pace, noticing the details in context and how God intentionally wove them together.
Finally, the most important question is: What did God reveal about Himself in the passage?
As you meditate further on the passage, the Lord will begin to give revelation about humanity and about you, too. This is a bonus byproduct after recognizing God to be the focus.
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. -Matthew 6:33
Bible Diggers For Kids Curriculum NOW AVAILABLE
Bible Diggers For Kids uses the DIG Bible Study to teach Scripture to children. Not only do kids grow in their Bible knowledge, but they are given the tools to continue to read Scripture for themselves.
“Using Bible Diggers, our children learned TWO TIMES as much as when we used Awana.”
-Rev. Randy Beasley | Lee’s Grove PFW Baptist Church, Dunn, NC
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